[1] 973子课题,701-2-2,声光锁模激光器和双包层掺镱光纤放大器的研究,2001/01-2003/12,20万,已结题,第三参与者;
[2] *****课题,0304NG0022,超短脉冲光纤激光器,2004/06-2007/06,80万,已结题,第四参与者;
[3] *****课题同时为神光Ⅲ前端总体技术设计研究的863课题,0404NG0023,光脉冲编码器,2004/06-2007/06,300万,已结题,主持;
[4] *****课题,0803NG0014,脉冲泵浦双包层光纤放大器,2005/06-2008/06, 80万,已结题,主持;
[5] 上海市教委课题,10YZ171,分布式定位光纤温度传感器,2010/01-2012/12, 8万, 已结题,主持;
[6] 与上海欣诺通信有限公司合作的横向课题,DZ-021,光缆监测振动传感器的研制,2018/11-2019/12,12万,已结题,主持;
[7] 上海市科委, 自然科学基金, 19ZR1421700, 基于轨道高架桥梁的光纤传感技术运行机理研究, 2019-07 至 2022-06,20万元, 已结题, 主持;
[8] 上海市松江区教育局、工会、人社局和财政局, 政产学研合作, 21SZ0102, 光纤传感设备的研制,2018至今,20万元/年,主持;
[9] 新型相位解调技术及光纤传感系统的技术成果转让,上海欣诺通信技术股份有限公司,30万元,2022-08,已转让。
[1] Zhenrong Zhang#, Zili Zhang, Jing Cheng, Yong Kong*,Leihong Zhang, Dawei Zhang, Songlin Zhuang, Wei Peng, Fengshou Wue, Yunfeng Zhu, Xiao Cui. An improved phase generated carrier demodulation algorithm with high stability and low harmonic distortion[J].Optics Communications, 2022, 524:128800(1-5).
[2] Jun He#, Xing Hu, Dawei Zhang*, Yong Kong, Jing Cheng, and Wenzhe Xiao. Semi-supervised learning for optical fiber sensor road intrusion signal detection[J].Appl. Opt. 2022,61:65-72.
[3] Tian-Chen Yuan#,*, Fei Chen,Jian Yang, Rui-Gang Song, and Yong Kong. A Novel Circular Plate Acoustic Energy Harvester for Urban Railway Noise[J].Shock and Vibration,2021,6647162(1-13).
[4] Tongyao Tu#, Yong Kong*, et al, Suppression of Speckle Noise in Digital Holography With Spatial and Temporal Domain Depolarization[J].IEEE ACCESS, 2020, 8:22266-22274.
[5] Yong Kong#,*,Wei Ding, et al, Double Mach–Zehnder acoustic emission interferometer for detection of damage in structures[J].Optics Communications, 2020, 459:125076(1-6).
[6] Xinlei Qian#, Yong Kong*, et al, Modified phase-generated carrier demodulation compensated for the propagation delay of the fiber[J].Optics Communications, 2020, 457:124595(1-7).
[7] Yong Kong#,*, Yang Liu, Yi Shi, Ansari. Research on the ?-OTDR fiber sensor sensitive for all of the distance,Optics Communications[J], 2018, 407:148-152.
[8] Hua Han#, Yang Liu, Kong Yong*, Farhad Ansari, Todd Taylor. The influence of pretilt and twist angle on the output characteristic of twisted nematic liquid crystal filter[J].optics and spectroscopy, 2018,125(2):275-280.
[9] Hua Han#, Yang Liu, Kong Yong*, Farhad Ansari, Todd Taylor. The influence of stress on the quartz birefringent optical filter[J].Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2017,50(1) 1-9.
[10] Kong, Yong#,*, et al. Spectrum research on the passive mode-locked Yb3+-doped fiber laser[J]. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2014,VOL46, No8, 1027-1037.
[11] Kong Yong#,*, et al, A Quartz Birefringent Filter Insensitive to Incident Angle,Optics & Laser Technology, 2012, VOL 44, No 5, 1497-1500.
[12] Kong Yong#,*,Qi Zhong LIU, et al, Wide band gain flattening Yb3+-doped fiber amplifier, Optical Communication ,VOL 284, No3,2011, 869-872.
[13] Kong Yong#,*,Qi Zhong LIU, et al, 64 channel optical pulse stacker, Journal of Lightwave technology,VOL 27, No15,2009,3017-3020.
[14] Kong Yong#,*,Qi Zhong LIU, et al, Pulsed pumped Yb3+-doped double-cladding fiber amplifier, Journal of Modern Optics, VOL 56, No5,597-600,2009.
[15] Kong Yong#,*, Wang ChunYu, et al, Double-cladding Yb3+ fiber for free-space optical communication, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, VOL 49, No4,2007, 889-892.
[16] Kong Yong#,*, Guo Mingxiu, et al, Numerical analysis of polarization character in Yb3+-doped fiber amplifiers, Chinese Optics Letters,2003, VOL 1, No9,506-508.
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